In a recent turn of events, a viral video capturing Bollywood actor Sunny Deol in a seemingly drunken state on the streets of Mumbai stirred up controversy. Fans expressed their concerns, prompting the Gadar 2 star to take to social media to set the record straight. Via X (formerly known as Twitter), Sunny shared a new video from the sets of his upcoming project, Safar, aiming to dispel the rumors surrounding the viral clip.
The actor, known for his iconic roles, clarified that the controversial video was nothing more than a behind-the-scenes (BTS) snippet from the shoot of his latest venture. With a caption that read, "Afwaahon ka ‘Safar’ bas yahin tak (Journey of rumors ends here) #Shooting #BTS," Sunny Deol attempted to put an end to the speculations surrounding his actions in the viral footage.
The shared video depicts Sunny in a white shirt and blue denim, navigating a street with a perplexed expression. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the shoot, spot boys, camerapersons, and crew members surround him. Notably, one crew member is heard instructing, "gaadi bhejo (send the taxi now)," adding an intriguing layer to the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the Safar project.
This public clarification from Sunny Deol sheds light on the challenges faced by celebrities in the age of social media, where even innocent BTS moments can be misconstrued and create unwarranted controversies. As fans await the release of Safar, Sunny's efforts to dispel the rumors provide a glimpse into the actor's commitment to transparency and addressing concerns directly.
In the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry, incidents like these highlight the delicate balance celebrities must maintain between their public and private lives, showcasing the power and pitfalls of viral content in the digital era.